中国香港新闻出版总社   摄影艺术交流论坛   香港摄影报   港新社  
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    中视香港新闻出版社,简称—港新社,成立于新世纪2004年,是香港特区政府特许注册,具有正规专业出版资格的出版管理服务机构。社名由原国家文化部常务副部长、中国文联党组书记,现为中华民族文化促进会会长、全国政协常委、著名摄影家高占祥先生题写:名誉社长:高占祥 吕厚民 张桐胜 社长:张万好。




A Brief Introduction to the Publishing House

China Hong Kong News Publishing House was first established in 2004. It is the first publishing house registered with the government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, with qualification as a professional publishing house. The name of the publishing house was wrriten by Mr. Gao Zhanxiang, the former Minister of National Ministry of Culture, the Party Secretary of China Literature League, current President of China National Promotion Association, Member of Standing Committee of National Political Consultative Conference and famous photographer. The Honoured President is Mr. Gao Zhanxiang and Lu Houmin. The President is Mr. Zhang Wanhao and the acting President is Liang Guotai.

We contribute to the Chinese news publishing industry with our advantage in resources. The major business scope includes: Book publication, issuing, designing and planning, photographic printing and art intercourse. This is a platform built for all writers. The publishing house is acting as an agent among photographers, calligraphers and literature enthusiasts, cultural workers of all lines of business as well as cultural activists home and abroad. The publishing house also donates books, or publishes books for the following parties for free: Journalists, editors, professionals, scholars, and scientific researchers. All of them have made great contributions to the society in the field of news medium, science and technology, education, agriculture, forestry, stocking breeding, fishery and medium.

The publishing house is the cultural outcome following the trend, aiming to build a cultural brand. There is a team of Editing Committee consisting of 18 persons. The team of editing journalists consists of outstanding persons from all lines of business including photographers, calligraphers and artists. The Editing Committee has a solid foundation and has become reliable friends for all authors. Just as the saying goes: Relatives and friends can be divided into two categories: close or distant. No matter cooperation can be successful or not, we will keep to the principle that cooperation is valued, sincerity is just like a sea, love is regarded as true feeling. Books are just like gold, very precious and is able to create wisdom. Application of what’s has been learned will greatly improve life of people.







为活跃文坛气氛,会员联谊每年1次,将有作家艺术家指导采风活动,我们将选择,如:风景旅游景区, 黄山、深圳、香港,城市乡村创作、采风纪实演讲等。





地 址:香港灣仔駱克道68號
      68 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
T e l:   8 5 2 - 5103 8160

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